Museums in or near Agrigento
  Antiquarian of Agrigento Early Christian
  Antiquarian Iconography of the Hill of the   Temples
  Pirandello's House
  Regional Archaeological Museum of   Agrigento
  Civic Museum
  Civic Museum of the Holy Spirit
  Diocesan Museum

Museums in or near Caltanissetta
Antiquarian Iconography of Sabucina
  Archaeological Museum
  Museum of Sacred Art
  Folklore and Popular Traditions
  Mineralogical and Paleontological Museum of   Zolfara

Museums in or near Catania
House Museum "G. Verga"
  Bellini Civic Museum
  Museo Civico di Castello Ursino
  Museum of Paleontology
  Lava Stone Sculpture Museum of Valencian   Santangelo
  Museum of Zoology, University of Catania
  Diocesan Museum of Catania
  Museum E. Greek
  Paleontological Museum of the Academy   Federiciana

Museums in or near Cefalu '
Museum "From Fra Gianmaria Tusa"
  Foundation Museum "Cefalu"
  Nature Museum "Mina F. Palumbo"
  Ethno-Anthropological Museum
  Museum Ambientalistico Madonita
  Ethno-Anthropological View of the Madonie

Museums in or near Enna
Museum "G. Alessi"
  Museum of Musical Art 3M
  Archaeological Museum of Palazzo Varisano
  Collection of Art and Archaeology
  Archaeological Museum
  Civic Museum
  Folklore and Popular Traditions

Museums in or near Giardini Naxos
Archaeological Museum of Naxos
  Antiquarian of Greek theater
  Museum of Traditions and Customs of the   People of Etna
  Ethnographic Museum of Etna
  Museum of World Farmer
  Museum of the Sea

Museums in or near Lipari
Regional Aeolian Archaeological Museum
  Antiquarium of Roman Villa
  Museum of Ceramics
  Ethnographic Museum in Sorrento

Museums in or near Marsala
National Exhibition of Contemporary Painting   "City of Marsala"
  Museum "G. Whitaker"
  Archeological Museum "Baglio Anselmi"
  Tapestry Museum

Museums in or near Messina
Museum "Culture and Popular Music of the   Peloritani"
  Regional Museum
  Zoological Museum "Cambria"
  Treasury of the Cathedral

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